Did you know that one out of every two adults in the United States has gum disease, according to findings from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention? When left unaddressed, this oral health problem can cause irreversible damage to your mouth. That’s why we aim to spot the early signs and provide you with customized gum disease treatment for our Flint, MI patients to restore the health of every smile.
We often recommend scaling and root planing to treat the earlier stages of gum disease, known as gingivitis. This is a two-part treatment that begins by clearing all of the plaque and tartar from the surface of your teeth, as far down as the pockets of your gums. Next, we’ll smooth out the roots of your teeth, allowing the healthy gum tissue to reattach and provide this vulnerable area with necessary protection from harmful oral bacteria.
Instead of using a scalpel and sutures to get rid of infected and damaged gum tissue, our periodontist uses an advanced treatment known as the Chao Pinhole technique. It’s a non-surgical treatment that works in the same way a needle and thread pull two pieces of fabric together. First, we’ll form a small hole in the area where your gums have receded, leaving some of the roots of your teeth exposed. We’ll then use special instruments to gently pull the gum back over the root to protect it and reverse the recession.
We typically recommend antibiotic therapy in combination with either scaling and root planing or the Chao Pinhole Technique to help your immune system fight off the gum infection. We’ll prescribe an antibiotic mouthwash or medication to help minimize the symptoms of gum disease and restore the health of your smile.